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How to Make Six Sigma a Part of Workplace Culture

Six Sigma is a technique typically used in the manufacturing industry that helps with process improvement. It can have a lot of benefits, such as increasing the productivity of a firm or reducing costs. This technique is used in many industries throughout the world nowadays and making it a culture at the workplace is also…

Using Six Sigma to Improve HR Processes

Although Lean Six Sigma is a process mostly designed for the manufacturing industry, it can also help many aspects of a firm and business. Lean Six Sigma relies on mathematics to eliminate mistakes and defects. In this way, Lean Six Sigma is a process from which many industries and businesses can benefit. A department that…

Using 5S to Organize Your Desk

When your desk, whether at home or the office, is disorganized, it can be hard to get work done. Its cluttered nature is a reflection of your mental state, which can negatively impact your productivity. This is because it usually means that your thoughts and ideas are in disarray as well. Luckily, with 5S, you…

What is a Kanban Board?

Kanban is a lean method that helps organizations reduce waste in processes by optimizing workflows. A Kanban board helps in visualizing the workflow optimization itself. By using a Kanban board, you can gain a clearer understanding of the process, as it increases visibility. This allows you to identify bottlenecks that hinder your team’s productivity and…

What is Design of Experiments?

For organizations to gain and maintain a competitive advantage, there’s a constant need for the deployment of new products on the market. This is a risky endeavor since there is no guarantee that it will succeed. And the risk is compounded when factoring in the change the organization needs to make to its current process.…

Voice of the Customer: What Is It and Why Is It Important

In this digital age, customers are vocal now more than ever. This means organizations can no longer survive if their approach to communicating with customers is one-sided. That is where Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in, allowing organizations to not only engage their customers but increase customer satisfaction and their bottom line. What is…

Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Six Sigma

For a Six Sigma project to be deemed successful, it needs to be implemented successfully. This is not always easy, as many organizations run into avoidable pitfalls that end up wasting valuable time and resources.  Here are some mistakes to avoid when implementing Six Sigma: Selecting the Wrong Project When the wrong project is selected,…

Value Stream Mapping: An Effective Way to Eliminate Waste in Your Processes

Lean provides organizations in many industries a set of valuable tools for eliminating wastes in processes. One of them is value stream mapping. Keep reading to find out what it is and why it is important for organizations that want to eliminate waste. What is Value Stream Mapping (VSM)? VSM is a method for drawing…

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