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In business, the competition today is cut-throat, and it can take monumental efforts to stand out. Email marketing is usually a road less taken because of the unruly spamming culture. Unfortunately, we will all be recipients of spam email during the course of our business career.
But despite this challenge, how has email marketing progressed to become an effective approach to marketing? And what are those fundamentals of email marketing? There is a rationale behind its effectiveness. Let’s examine a few:
1. Call-to-action buttons
The motive behind any marketing strategy is to have as many conversions as possible. A call-to-action button is a compelling element for readers to take an action. When framing an email for marketing purposes, we must allow at least two call-to-action buttons to fit in (at the right places). Use these buttons strategically. For instance, if you are trying to launch a product, try using ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Learn More’ as call-to-action buttons.
2. Highlight critical text
Almost every individual scans any kind of readable text before they actually decide to give it a read. For example, whenever we decide to read a book, we first read the back cover of the book to understand what it is about. So, write in a way that your reader can scan the copy quickly and get the gist of what you’re talking about. It is imperative to keep the most essential text highlighted to make your emails as engaging as possible.
3. Content is everything
If the content in your email isn’t valuable, your subscribers will slowly start drifting away and may eventually unsubscribe. Setting the right expectations and using high-quality and optimized content should be the utmost priority. Highly engaging content is evergreen and your readers should find value in it.
The final step is to ensure that the email is sent at an optimal time. Keep your emails crisp and interesting for better customer engagement. Of course, there are many other tactics, but these three are the most basic, which are bound to bring you outstanding results in terms of improved customer engagement, higher conversion rates and increased leads.
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