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Social Media, Voice Of The Customer, L6s

Organizations clearly understand the importance of Customer Service and Voice of The Customer (VoC) initiatives. Their programs are consistently being fine tuned to ensure a consistent and continuous state of improvement exists. But the question exists … is your organization socially acceptable in today’s digital environment? Research tells us that adoption of social customer care by organizations has significantly increased from 12% in 2010 to 62% in 2015. Organizations that practice Lean Six Sigma methodologies are equally increasing engagement, especially with a focus on the VoC.

VoC Engagement Through Social Media

Now that your organization has a presence on all of the social media platforms, do you have a total Social Customer Care program? It is crucial that you develop and implement a program with the same attention you give to any other VoC initiatives. Lean Six Sigma practices are all about consistent and continuous focus on quality through an understanding of your customer needs. There is no difference with your digital initiatives. In today’s environment, customers look for and expect organizations to deliver exceptional service through social media, to the same levels they would expect in a brick-and-mortar environment. You wouldn’t ignore a customer who enters your business and you cannot fail to respond to customers on social media. Social Media Managers must have a clear understanding of how to properly engage and interact with customers on social platforms,while implementing solid VoC and Lean Six Sigma strategies to their programs.

Social Media is All About Being Social

Treat your Social Customer Care initiatives with the same energy and respect you give to any VoC programs in your organization. You must decide that its crucial to use the same approaches to customer service across the organization. Social Media is not a platform to just put out information. It demands you engage and interact with your customers. Organizations who provide real customer care will provide live engagement with customers vs. canned responses which are auto-generated. The programs will always be a work in progress, by using the rigorous processes of Lean Six Sigma, organizations will build on exception customer service through continuos improvement.

Thought Leader - L6s

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